Greetings All! I’m embarking on a new journey on my life’s path. I’ve accomplished many things in my life and not so many. As I approach my 55th year on the planet, I have been reviewing where I have been so far, what I have done and I have been opening myself up to see where I need to go next. So here I am.
I am a Healing Arts Practitioner/Teacher. That is the best “title” I could come up with because I find that I cannot describe in any better way for that 5 second “elevator pitch” of my work and who I am. For those not aware of this “elevator pitch”, it is where you imagine yourself entering an elevator with another person and they ask you what you do. You basically only have a few second to describe yourself before the doors open and you end your exchange. I have found that elevator pitch a very difficult thing to come up with before I found the words, Healing Arts Practitioner/Teacher. I may add Energy Worker/Reiki Teacher, teach meditation and stress reduction..things like that…to help people heal, may get thrown in. Then the doors open to feel they may not fully understand, or an acknowledgement or indifference.
So, here I begin. To help other people, as I learn about my self more fully and through that experience be able to really know and understand how to assist others on their paths to healing and wholeness.
In my mind’s eye I see a large cruise-type ship at the dock AND a beautiful sailing ship with many layered sails ready to take in the wind to set sail. It feels like the natural world with the symbol of the sailing ship that uses no machinery and the man-made world referred by my mind with the cruise-type ship have me covered to proceed in any way that I may need to use. Connected and ready to go through Nature and Human ways. Some may see this as Feminine and Masculine aspects also. I do feel very supported.
I invite you to join me as I explore these uncharted seas and the land that may pop up to anchor to and investigate. To be discovered…
Bon Voyage!
I am a Healing Arts Practitioner/Teacher. That is the best “title” I could come up with because I find that I cannot describe in any better way for that 5 second “elevator pitch” of my work and who I am. For those not aware of this “elevator pitch”, it is where you imagine yourself entering an elevator with another person and they ask you what you do. You basically only have a few second to describe yourself before the doors open and you end your exchange. I have found that elevator pitch a very difficult thing to come up with before I found the words, Healing Arts Practitioner/Teacher. I may add Energy Worker/Reiki Teacher, teach meditation and stress reduction..things like that…to help people heal, may get thrown in. Then the doors open to feel they may not fully understand, or an acknowledgement or indifference.
So, here I begin. To help other people, as I learn about my self more fully and through that experience be able to really know and understand how to assist others on their paths to healing and wholeness.
In my mind’s eye I see a large cruise-type ship at the dock AND a beautiful sailing ship with many layered sails ready to take in the wind to set sail. It feels like the natural world with the symbol of the sailing ship that uses no machinery and the man-made world referred by my mind with the cruise-type ship have me covered to proceed in any way that I may need to use. Connected and ready to go through Nature and Human ways. Some may see this as Feminine and Masculine aspects also. I do feel very supported.
I invite you to join me as I explore these uncharted seas and the land that may pop up to anchor to and investigate. To be discovered…
Bon Voyage!