Last week as I took some time to sit back and relax, I chose to turn on the TV and see what may be on to just veg out. I usually like to do this from time to time and see what the rest of the world is seeing. I came across the section of the movie channels on the cable stations and was checking out what was showing. A second or two on each channel found me stopping at one that had a scene of a husband getting a call that there was a car accident and it was the man’s wife’s car and there was a fire. Only a ring and part of a necklace were found nearby to help identify the body. The rest of her body was pretty much unidentifiable. The film was called Hide and Seek.
For some reason, I was very drawn to this story. So I watched a bit longer. Turned out a couple had kidnapped the woman and impregnated her to have their baby. They would kill her after the baby is born. I watched the different scenes as the captive woman was in the basement chained to a bed with a short range of motion to a port a potty and sink. She tried to escape different times, yet to no avail. The couple who abducted the woman, were portrayed as strange, yet the woman of this couple was quite crazy. She was unable to have children and the husband was finding a way to do it for her and them.
The plot was predictable and almost nine months later, heavy with child, the woman does escape to get to a phone booth and call her husband for rescue. Ultimately, the crazy couple ends up dead by various means, the abducted woman gives birth and the husband who came to his wife’s rescue, was beaten but seemed would survive.
After I finished watching the movie, I kept wondering why was I drawn to this movie? What was the Universe trying to say to me? I was looking at the possibilities of how I may keep many of my own feminine aspects imprisoned within me. Not allowing her to be freed. And such a crazy part of myself, who I have allowed to hold the key. So, I pondered and worked with this thought and also how a new life was created and released into freedom as the feminine and masculine were reunited. A bit beat up, yet alive and together. A Wholeness piece to explore.
Now the headlines, not a week later, are filled with the news of three women that have been kept captive for 9 plus years have escaped with help from a vigilant and compassionate neighbor. There seems to be a child among them also born during this time. Interestingly, nine is a symbol for endings with new beginnings/changes coming.
Was my attention being drawn to the movie a premonition? Or just a curious coincidence? Yet, I don’t really believe in coincidences and know that everything happens for a reason.
Yet, there is so much to take in and process here, if I allow the time for it. My general feeling that came from a question one of my “Roses” (woman’s group) asked me about what May was bringing since last year this time and now this year, such huge events were happening in her life and around us. That feeling is that the energies are opening us all to our Feminine aspects on a huge level. It feels to me like the Feminine energies, supported and even rescued by the Masculine, are now free! Free for us to open our Hearts to allow what was hidden away, locked down and out of sight to be seen. Seeing the new birth that has come out of that very, very difficult captive period. Breaking down and opening to life as Nature holds this all in with Springtime in the air in the Northern hemisphere. As the Southern hemisphere, holds the opposite for us to balance things out. Still holding those parts of us that are not ready to be released just yet. But, perhaps, soon.
How might this event of the three women being released symbolize or reflect some aspect in your life? Your creative, intuitive or nurturing part of yourself being seen for the first time in a long time? I hope it will be revealed to you if you choose to go there.
May is also the month the Feminine is celebrated in the West. Mother’s Day is approaching and I catch that this is another significant “energy” to this whole story. In an article I glanced at about the release of the three women, it was stated that one woman’s mother had died during her absence. This feels like such a loss, yet a potential for the Matriarchal mantle to be passed down. Also, energetically, I feel the woman’s mother was so much more present for her daughter who was captive being in Spirit than she could have been while alive. My sense, is that there was some Divine orchestration going on to allow this freedom to occur which “mother” had a hand in.
Allowing ourselves to use life as a reflection for us to see what wants to be seen for our own growth and healing is so important. It takes courage and strength, most of the time, yet the outcome, is the most precious when it is a difficult path.
For some reason, I was very drawn to this story. So I watched a bit longer. Turned out a couple had kidnapped the woman and impregnated her to have their baby. They would kill her after the baby is born. I watched the different scenes as the captive woman was in the basement chained to a bed with a short range of motion to a port a potty and sink. She tried to escape different times, yet to no avail. The couple who abducted the woman, were portrayed as strange, yet the woman of this couple was quite crazy. She was unable to have children and the husband was finding a way to do it for her and them.
The plot was predictable and almost nine months later, heavy with child, the woman does escape to get to a phone booth and call her husband for rescue. Ultimately, the crazy couple ends up dead by various means, the abducted woman gives birth and the husband who came to his wife’s rescue, was beaten but seemed would survive.
After I finished watching the movie, I kept wondering why was I drawn to this movie? What was the Universe trying to say to me? I was looking at the possibilities of how I may keep many of my own feminine aspects imprisoned within me. Not allowing her to be freed. And such a crazy part of myself, who I have allowed to hold the key. So, I pondered and worked with this thought and also how a new life was created and released into freedom as the feminine and masculine were reunited. A bit beat up, yet alive and together. A Wholeness piece to explore.
Now the headlines, not a week later, are filled with the news of three women that have been kept captive for 9 plus years have escaped with help from a vigilant and compassionate neighbor. There seems to be a child among them also born during this time. Interestingly, nine is a symbol for endings with new beginnings/changes coming.
Was my attention being drawn to the movie a premonition? Or just a curious coincidence? Yet, I don’t really believe in coincidences and know that everything happens for a reason.
Yet, there is so much to take in and process here, if I allow the time for it. My general feeling that came from a question one of my “Roses” (woman’s group) asked me about what May was bringing since last year this time and now this year, such huge events were happening in her life and around us. That feeling is that the energies are opening us all to our Feminine aspects on a huge level. It feels to me like the Feminine energies, supported and even rescued by the Masculine, are now free! Free for us to open our Hearts to allow what was hidden away, locked down and out of sight to be seen. Seeing the new birth that has come out of that very, very difficult captive period. Breaking down and opening to life as Nature holds this all in with Springtime in the air in the Northern hemisphere. As the Southern hemisphere, holds the opposite for us to balance things out. Still holding those parts of us that are not ready to be released just yet. But, perhaps, soon.
How might this event of the three women being released symbolize or reflect some aspect in your life? Your creative, intuitive or nurturing part of yourself being seen for the first time in a long time? I hope it will be revealed to you if you choose to go there.
May is also the month the Feminine is celebrated in the West. Mother’s Day is approaching and I catch that this is another significant “energy” to this whole story. In an article I glanced at about the release of the three women, it was stated that one woman’s mother had died during her absence. This feels like such a loss, yet a potential for the Matriarchal mantle to be passed down. Also, energetically, I feel the woman’s mother was so much more present for her daughter who was captive being in Spirit than she could have been while alive. My sense, is that there was some Divine orchestration going on to allow this freedom to occur which “mother” had a hand in.
Allowing ourselves to use life as a reflection for us to see what wants to be seen for our own growth and healing is so important. It takes courage and strength, most of the time, yet the outcome, is the most precious when it is a difficult path.